50 Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Surgery

50 Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Surgery

Having dental surgery can be uncomfortable and one of the hardest parts of recovering is choosing foods that will not hurt your teeth and gums. Whether you have had a tooth pulled, a root canal or another dental treatment, eating soft foods can help reduce pain and help you heal. To make it easier to eat after surgery, here is a list of 50 soft foods that are both easy to eat and good for you.

Here are the 50 Soft Foods to Eat After Dental Surgery

  1. Mashed potatoes
  2. Smoothies (avoid seeds)
  3. Applesauce
  4. Yogurt
  5. Soup (blended for smoothness)
  6. Oatmeal
  7. Cottage cheese
  8. Scrambled eggs
  9. Pudding
  10. Ice cream
  11. Gelatin (Jell-O)
  12. Soft cheeses
  13. Hummus
  14. Avocado
  15. Bananas
  16. Rice pudding
  17. Steamed vegetables
  18. Macaroni and cheese
  19. Soft-boiled eggs
  20. Porridge
  21. Pureed fruits (e.g., mango, peach)
  22. Custard
  23. Smooth nut butter (e.g., peanut butter)
  24. Tofu
  25. Cream of wheat
  26. Pasta (well-cooked)
  27. Quinoa (cooked until very soft)
  28. Blended fruit smoothie bowls
  29. Creamy soups (e.g., tomato bisque)
  30. Mashed sweet potatoes
  31. Soft-cooked lentils
  32. Polenta
  33. Mashed cauliflower
  34. Soft bread (lightly toasted)
  35. Baby food (avoid chunks)
  36. Greek yogurt with honey
  37. Soft tortillas (warmed)
  38. Butternut squash soup
  39. Rice congee
  40. Chia seed pudding (blended)
  41. Soft-cooked beans (e.g., black beans)
  42. Fruit sorbet
  43. Smoothie popsicles
  44. Silken tofu pudding
  45. Steamed fish
  46. Cream cheese
  47. Popsicles (without fruit chunks)
  48. Angel hair pasta
  49. Creamy mashed carrots
  50. Vegetable puree

Remember not to eat foods that are very hot or very cold as these extreme temperatures can hurt or slow down healing. Also avoid hard, crunchy or spicy foods that might irritate your mouth. Instead choose soft and nutritious foods that can help your recovery go smoothly.

Talk to your dentist or oral surgeon to get advice on what to eat based on the dental work you had and your healing needs. Remember to rest, drink plenty of water and take good care of yourself to heal well.

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